A re you looking for a landing page builder to use on your WordPress blog? Check out this SeedProd review to find out if it’s the best landing page builder for you. 

If you’ve started a blog, you’re probably looking for the best plugins and tools to generate leads, grow your email list, boost conversions, and more. 

And a landing page builder is a great tool to accomplish those goals. 

But with so many options on the market, how do you know which plugin to choose? 

In this article, we’ll help you figure out if SeedProd is the best landing page plugin for you. We’ll go over why you need it, its features, the cost, and more. 

Let’s get started. 

seedprod logo
  • Easy Drag and Drop Builder
  • Real-Time Visual Live Preview
  • 300+ Landing Page Templates
  • Pre-Made Landing Page Blocks
  • Built-In Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode
  • Super Fast in Performance
  • Works with Any WordPress Theme
  • And More…
  • Only for WordPress Sites
  • Free Version is Limited

SeedProd Review Summary

SeedProd is the best landing page builder for WordPress. It has an easy-to-use drag and drop builder so you can create landing pages without having to touch a line of code.

Simply drag and drop pre-made landing page elements like images, videos, buttons, contact forms, countdown timers, and more, into place to create a custom page.

It also comes with over 100 professionally-designed landing page templates so you can get started quickly. The template library includes designs for sales pages, thank you pages, optin pages, webinar pages, and much more.

SeedProd also comes with built-in coming soon and maintenance mode functionality.

Get SeedProd Today!

Why Do You Need a Landing Page Builder?

With a plugin like SeedProd, you can easily create dedicated landing pages for your blog or website. 

But, why do you need landing pages?

Well, a landing page is a standalone page on your site designed with 1 specific goal in mind. Because there’s nothing else on the page to distract users from your offer, they’ll be more likely to take action. 

You can use landing pages to: 

  • Grow your email list
  • Increase sales for a specific product
  • Get more registrations for your webinar
  • Generate qualified leads for your business
  • Boost your social media followers
  • Build brand loyalty 
  • Promote all of your channels (find out how to use SeedProd to create a link-in-bio page in WordPress)
  • And much more

For example, many bloggers create landing pages to promote a lead magnet like an ebook

ebook landing page example seedprod

People that land on a page like this can see the benefits of downloading the ebook and provide their email address in exchange for it (if you need, check out how to send an ebook through email). 

We also have a post on the best landing page examples for more ideas. 

Landing pages are highly effective in boosting conversions. And aside from growing your business, it’s also just a great way to create a custom look for your blog

Now that you know how a landing page builder can improve your blog, let’s dive into the SeedProd review. 

5+ Ways to Use SeedProd on Your Blog

Before we look at the pros and cons of SeedProd, let’s take a look at all of the different ways you can use SeedProd on your blog. 

Because you can create more than just the typical landing page…

1. Create a Coming Soon Page

With SeedProd, you can create a coming soon page to promote your blog before it launches. 

What’s a coming soon page? It’s a landing page that hides your site while it’s under construction. 

So, instead of seeing a half-finished website, visitors will see a beautiful coming soon page while you’re working on your blog behind the scenes. 

coming soon page example from seedprod

A coming soon page like this builds excitement and lets visitors know when your site will be live so they can return on that date. 

Plus, if you add an email optin form to your coming soon page, you can start building your email list before you even publish your first blog post. 

2. Build High-Converting Landing Pages

As we mentioned before, landing pages are a great way to boost conversions because they’re created to promote 1 specific offer. 

So, whether you want to get more online course signups, get more email subscribers, or boost conversions for any other type of campaign, you can do it with a landing page. 

But, not all landing pages are created equally. If you want your landing pages to be successful, you need to optimize your landing page for more conversions

Luckily, you can easily create the highest-converting landing pages with SeedProd. 

landing page created with seedprod

SeedProd offers ready-made landing page blocks proven to boost conversions like: 

  • Headlines
  • Images
  • Buttons
  • Videos
  • Email Optin Forms
  • Contact Forms
  • Countdown Timers
  • Star Ratings
  • And Much More

Just drag and drop these elements to create a landing page that converts visitors into leads. 

3. Put Your Blog into Maintenance Mode

All websites require maintenance and updating. But, sometimes technical issues come up that require more work and they could make your site inaccessible temporarily. 

If that’s the case, you wouldn’t want to leave your readers hanging while your site is down. 

Instead, you can use SeedProd to put your site into maintenance mode and stay in touch with your visitors until your site is back up and running.

maintenance mode page example

This will also save your site from losing search engine rankings because it notifies search engines that your site is only temporarily down for maintenance. 

4. Create a Custom 404 Error Page

WordPress 404 errors are typically caused by changes to your site’s permalink structure, broken links, or missing content. And when a user comes across a 404 not found error page on your site, it can drive them away. 

To stop that from happening and keep users on your blog, you can create a custom 404 error page with SeedProd. 

404 error page created with landing page builder

You can use your custom 404 page to drive users back to your homepage, generate leads, promote your social media profiles, and more. 

Best of all, you don’t need to touch a line of code to create a 404 error page. 

5. Design a Custom Login Page

You can also use SeedProd to create a custom login page for your blog. 

Instead of seeing the regular, boring WordPress login screen, you can easily design something custom to match your brand. 

design a custom login page with seedprod

You can use the extra space on the login page to promote your social media channels, featured products, and more. 

You can also use SeedProd’s login landing page block to add login forms on any page. This is especially useful for membership sites, online course sites, and eCommerce sites. 

6. Create a Custom Checkout Page

If you have an online store, you’ll be happy to know that SeedProd also offers custom WooCommerce blocks you can use on your landing pages.

These WooCommerce blocks include:

  • Add to Cart
  • Checkout
  • Shopping Cart
  • Products Grid

With these blocks, you can easily create a custom checkout page, like the one below:

custom checkout page created with seedprod

You can also display recent, sale, or best-selling products on your landing pages to generate more sales.

SeedProd Pros

Alright, now that you know how you can use SeedProd on your blog, it’s time to take a closer look at the plugin. 

In this section of our SeedProd review, we’ll go over the pros and cons to find out if it’s worth it. 

Easy Drag and Drop Builder

One of the standout features of SeedProd is its user-friendly drag and drop builder. This makes it easy for anyone, even complete beginners, to create professional-looking landing pages. 

With the drag and drop builder, you can simply drag any element you want and drop it into place on your landing page. 

seedprod review of the easy drag and drop builder

You can also click any element on the page to customize it, delete it, duplicate it, or save it for later. 

SeedProd also has a real-time visual preview so you can see how your page looks as you create it. 

Landing Page Template Library

SeedProd offers a library of over 300 professionally designed templates so you can create a landing page in minutes. 

seedprod landing page templates

The library includes templates for:

  • Sales Pages
  • Webinar Pages
  • Thank You Pages
  • Optin Pages
  • 404 Error Pages
  • Coming Soon Pages
  • Maintenance Mode
  • And More

All of the templates are responsive and mobile-friendly, so you can ensure your page looks great on any device. 

You also have the option to design your landing page from scratch using the blank template. 

But be sure to check our full guide on how to install template kits in WordPress!

Endless Customization Options

Think that choosing a template means that you have to stick with that exact design?

That’s not the case because SeedProd comes with a ton of customization options. 

You can point and click to customize any element on your landing page. You can change the color, font, text, alignment, size, and much more. 

For example, just move the font size slider until your headline is the size you want. 

customization options including resize headline

You can even upload custom background images, video backgrounds, and slideshows with the click of a button. 

And you don’t need to be a professional designer to create a well-designed landing page either. SeedProd offers a ton of pre-made color palettes and font pairings so you can make sure the design is cohesive.  

seedprod color palettes for design

Ready-Made Landing Page Blocks

One of the most powerful features of SeedProd is the ready-made landing page blocks. As we mentioned earlier, you can use these landing page blocks to quickly create a high-converting landing page. 

SeedProd offers standard blocks like: 

  • Headline
  • Text
  • List
  • Image
  • Video
  • Button 
  • Divider 
  • Spacer
  • Column
standard landing page blocks from seedprod

There are also advanced blocks you can use to increase engagement, generate leads, and boost conversions, including: 

  • Optin Form
  • Contact Form
  • Giveaway
  • Countdown Timer
  • Social Profiles
  • Social Sharing
  • Star Rating
  • Progress Bar
  • And More
advanced landing page blocks

And SeedProd offers WooCommerce blocks you can use to promote your products/services and encourage users to buy. These blocks include:

  • Add to Cart
  • Checkout
  • Shopping Cart
  • Products Grid
  • And More
woocommerce blocks

Instead of other landing page builders that offer a ton of elements you don’t need, SeedProd sticks to the most important blocks that will help you with your conversion goals. 

Pre-Built Landing Page Sections

SeedProd also has pre-built landing page sections that will help you create appealing landing page layouts. 

You can choose from landing page sections like: 

  • Header
  • Hero
  • Call to Action
  • FAQ
  • Features
  • Footers

Each section has multiple styles to choose from. 

All you have to do is click on the section that you like and SeedProd will automatically add it to your landing page. 

Then, you can click on the section in the landing page editor to customize the text.

Premium Email Marketing Integrations

You can easily use your landing pages to grow your email list, thanks to SeedProd’s premium email marketing integrations. 

email marketing integrations seedprod review

SeedProd integrates with the best email marketing providers including: 

With just a few clicks, you can connect your account to start growing and managing your email list automatically.

If you don’t have an email marketing provider yet, you can use SeedProd itself to collect email addresses with the built-in subscriber management dashboard. 

seedprod subscriber management dashboard

SeedProd also integrates with Google Analytics, Recaptcha for spam protection, and thousands of other apps with Zapier. 

Powerful Access Controls

With SeedProd’s coming soon mode and maintenance mode, you can control who is allowed to see your site while it’s under construction and who sees your landing page when visiting your site. 

For example, you can give clients a preview of their new site design without revealing it to the public. 

Setting this up is incredibly easy. Simply head to SeedProd’s page settings and create a bypass URL, which is a secret link that you can give to certain people so they won’t see your coming soon page when they visit the site. 

seedprod's access controls

With access controls, you can also decide which pages to display your coming soon page on. You can display it on your entire site or only on a specific page. 

Domain Mapping

With SeedProd’s domain mapping feature, you can create landing pages and give them their own custom domain names as if they are standalone sites. 

For example, let’s say you create a new landing page for a specific product. If your domain name is onlinestore.com, typically the web structure for your product landing page would be onlinestore.com/product1

But, with SeedProd, you can create a landing page and point it to a domain name of your choice like product1.com

This makes it look more professional and it’s easier to market this specific product to the right audience. 

And if you are launching a new website, you can create a coming soon page on your existing site and set it up on your new domain name with domain mapping. 

Check out this article to learn more about domain mapping

SeedProd Cons

We found a lot of pros for SeedProd and only a couple of cons, so let’s take a look at those now. 

Only for WordPress Sites

SeedProd is a WordPress plugin, which means you can only use it on WordPress sites. So, if you’re using another blogging site, you won’t be able to use this landing page builder. 

That said, we think WordPress.org is the best blogging platform on the market and that Seadprod is the best funnel builder for WordPress. So, if you’re not using WordPress.org, you should definitely consider switching over. 

Check out our list of the best blogging platforms to find out why. 

Limited Free Version

SeedProd offers a lite version if you want to get started for free. But, the free version has limited features. 

free seedprod plugin

For example, you only get access to a small portion of the template library, you aren’t able to use some advanced landing page blocks like the countdown timer, and you can’t integrate your landing page with your email marketing service. 

The free version works for getting started, but you’ll need to upgrade if you want to create more powerful landing pages. 

SeedProd Pricing and Support

SeedProd offers 4 different pricing plans: Basic, Plus, Pro, and Elite. 

The Basic plan comes with everything you need for 1 website. If you want to use SeedProd on more than one website, you’ll need to upgrade your plan. 

seedprod pricing plans review

All of the plans come with access to the huge template library, all of the landing page blocks and sections, email marketing integrations, and much more. 

And don’t worry, if you’re on a budget, you can get started with SeedProd for free, like we mentioned above.

The lite version of SeedProd offers:

  • Free landing page templates
  • Coming soon and maintenance modes
  • A variety of landing page blocks and elements
  • SEO settings
  • And more

You can always use the free version to try it out and then upgrade to the Pro version later to access more powerful features. 

SeedProd also offers outstanding customer support as well as plenty of blog tutorials and documentation to help you out along the way. 

Verdict: Is SeedProd the Best Landing Page Builder for WordPress?

We’ve come to the end of our SeedProd review and we can safely say that SeedProd is the best landing page builder for WordPress. 

SeedProd is super easy to use, even for beginners, and its landing page templates make it quick for anyone to get started. Plus, SeedProd offers powerful lead generation features to help you get the most out of your landing pages. 

It’s packed full of features at an affordable price, we recommend it to anyone that wants to grow their blog. 

We hope you enjoyed this SeedProd review, now all that’s left to do is to try it out for yourself!

If you liked this article, you may want to read our OptinMonster review, another amazing tool we love that will help you grow your email list.

And don’t forget to sign up to our email newsletter so you can get useful content like this sent right to your inbox! 


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