L ooking for a list of power words to use in your writing?
Look no further!
When you start a blog, you need to learn how to write persuasively.
After all, you need to convince people to read your articles, subscribe to your email list, or purchase your product.
Luckily, all you need to do is sprinkle a few power words throughout your writing in order to encourage action.
In this post, I’ll share a list of 350+ power words that you can use to get more clicks, email subscribers, and increase conversions.
In This Guide:
What are Power Words?
Power words are descriptive words that trigger an emotional response, whether it’s positive or negative, and lead the reader to take action.
Because power words are so persuasive, using them can be a quick and easy way to skyrocket your conversions.
For example, you could use the power word “bizarre” in a blog title to encourage people to click on and read your article. Or, you can use power words to boost conversions, like “hurry” to encourage shoppers to buy an item from your online store before it’s out of stock.
You can use power words anywhere, including:
- Blog post titles
- Social media captions
- Email newsletter subject lines
- Call-to-action buttons
- Ad copy
- Website copy
- Ebook titles
- And much more
All bloggers, copywriters, and marketing professionals should keep a list of power words handy. That way, you can find the right words to turn dull, lifeless writing into persuasive content that drives clicks and conversions, encouraging your audience to take your desired action, whatever it may be.
To make it easier for you, I’ve compiled this huge list of power words that you can bookmark and refer back to whenever you need it.
350+ Power Words and Phrases to Use in Your Content
There are different types of power words you can use depending on your target audience and your specific conversion goals.
We’ve organized this list into sections, and I’ll explain each type of power word as I go…
Curiosity Power Words
Curiosity words leave your audience wanting more. So much more, that they’ll take your desired action to get it. These power words evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue.
By using curiosity, your readers won’t be able to resist the urge to click on your article or open your email newsletter.
Here are some curiosity power word examples you can use:
- Astonishing
- Banned
- Be the first
- Become an insider
- Behind the scenes
- Bizarre
- Censored
- Classified
- Confidential
- Controversial
- Covert
- Crazy
- Cringe-worthy
- Elusive
- Extraordinary
- Eye-opening
- Forbidden
- Forgotten
- Hidden
- Hilarious
- Hush-hush
- Insane
- Insider
- Interesting
- Invitation-only
- Key
- Limited
- Little-known
- Members-only
- Myths
- Odd
- Off limits
- Priceless
- Private
- Remote
- Restricted
- Ridiculous
- Secret
- Shh!
- Shocking
- Sneak peek
- Spoiler
- Strange
- Stunning
- Thought-provoking
- Top secret
- Trade secret
- Unbelievable
- Unconventional
- Unexplained
- Unique
- Unlock
- Unusual
- Wacky
Here’s how Neil Strauss, a best-selling author, uses curiosity words to get more email subscribers:

This email popup is packed with curiosity words and phrases like inner circle, controversial, never-before-seen, banned, exclusive, secret, and private.
Visitors will rush to sign up for his email list so that they can get this secret, exclusive information delivered to their inboxes.
Trust Power Words
In order to get your audience to take action, they need to trust you first.
You can build trust over time by publishing helpful content and sending regular emails. But, you can also speed up the process by injecting trust words in your content. Strategic use of power words can make your audience feel more connected to you and trust your brand.
Here are some examples:
- According to
- Accredited
- Approved
- Authentic
- Authoritative
- Backed
- Because
- Best
- Best selling
- Cancel anytime
- Certified
- Dependable
- Don’t worry
- Endorsed
- Expert
- Genuine
- Guaranteed
- Improved
- Ironclad
- Lifetime
- Money-back
- No obligations
- No questions asked
- No risk
- Official
- Professional
- Protected
- Proven
- Recognized
- Refund
- Reliable
- Research
- Results
- Safety
- Scientifically proven
- Studies show
- Tested
- Try before you buy
- Well respected
In the example below, Smile Direct Club uses trust words in their website copy:

Power words like lifetime, guarantee, protected, and refund put potential customers at ease.
They’ll be more comfortable spending lots of money on the product because they know they can get their money back if they’re unhappy.
Sloth Power Words
The definition of the word sloth is the reluctance to work or make an effort.
And isn’t true that we often want something without having to do anything to get it?
You can use sloth words to convince people that your product is the easiest solution to their problem. Incorporate power words in your subject lines like these to appeal to your audience’s desire for an easy life. You can also use them in how-to blog post titles and lead magnets to make them sound more digestible.
- All-inclusive
- Basic
- Cheat sheet
- Cinch
- Clear
- Complete
- Copy
- Downloadable
- Easy
- Efficient
- Effortless
- Fail-proof
- Fill in the blanks
- Formula
- Free
- Freebie
- Gift
- Guide
- How-to
- In less than
- Ingredients
- Instant
- Light
- List
- Manageable
- Manifest
- Minutes
- No nonsense
- No problem
- Nothing to it
- Now
- Painless
- Piece of cake
- Printable
- Quick
- Ready
- Replicated
- Report
- Simple
- Smooth
- Template
- Tools
At Blog Tyrant, we offer a free lead magnet to people that subscribe to our email list:

We use sloth power words like free, guide, toolkit, and instant.
This helps convey that our ebook is a super easy solution that will help people create a successful blog and it encourages them to subscribe.
Encouragement Power Words
When people are reading content online, their level of energy and enthusiasm is likely pretty flat.
But, you can use encouragement words to inspire people and get them excited about what they’re reading. Use these power words in headlines to create a sense of urgency and excitement.
Here are some encouragement power word examples to make your copy sound more inspirational:
- Amazing
- Astonishing
- Awe-inspiring
- Awesome
- Beat
- Belief
- Blissful
- Breathtaking
- Brilliant
- Celebrate
- Conquer
- Daring
- Delight
- Effortless
- Empower
- Excited
- Fabulous
- Faith
- Fearless
- Fulfill
- Glory
- Grateful
- Happy
- Heart
- Hero
- Hope
- Lovable
- Life-changing
- Marvelous
- Master
- Miracle
- Perfect
- Phenomenal
- Praise
- Prevail
- Remarkable
- Score
- Sensational
- Spirit
- Strengthen
- Terrific
- Thrive
- Triumph
- Uplifting
- Vanquish
The popular blog Tiny Buddha publishes content to help people live peaceful and happy lives.

So, of course, they often use encouragement words like strength, hope, and hero in their blog post titles to make readers feel empowered.
Greed Power Words
The simple definition of greed is the desire for more of something.
We can all be greedy from time to time. For example, you want to grab that ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ coupon so that you can get more for your money. Or, you want to buy the limited edition version of a product you already own so you can be one of the few that has it.
Greed words are most often used in sales and promotions in order to encourage people to buy quickly before they miss the opportunity. They can also be used to make something appear more valuable.
- Bargain
- Before
- Best
- Billion
- Bonus
- Cash
- Cheap
- Discount
- Dollar
- Don’t miss out
- Exclusive
- Extra
- Fast
- Final
- First
- Fortune
- Gift
- Giveaway
- Greatest
- Guilt-free
- Hurry
- Instantly
- Jackpot
- Last chance
- Limited
- Luxurious
- Marked down
- Massive
- Money
- More
- New
- Now
- Premiere
- Prize
- Profit
- Quick
- Reduced
- Rich
- Sale ends soon
- Save
- Savings
- Six-figure
- Skyrocket
- Special
- Treasure
- Triple
- Ultimate
- Value
On this landing page, a popular blog hosting company, Bluehost, uses the greed words special and now to encourage people to grab this awesome blog hosting deal.

Vanity Power Words
Similar to greed, vanity words are often used in marketing to get people to click, subscribe, or buy a product. These are words that resonate with our desires for self-enhancement and validation.
That’s because we often seek out things that will make us look good. Not just in a physical way either. We want to appear more successful, have more achievements, and possess stronger abilities.
Here are some vanity word examples that will make your offer more appealing:
- Amazing
- Attractive
- Awe-inspiring
- Beautiful
- Bold
- Boost
- Boss
- Bravery
- Brilliant
- Clever
- Conquer
- Dazzling
- Elegant
- Elite
- Epic
- Fearless
- Fortunate
- Genius
- Good-looking
- Gorgeous
- Handsome
- Jaw-dropping
- Legendary
- Magic
- Mind-blowing
- Notable
- Prosperous
- Remarkable
- Sassy
- Sensational
- Smart
- Spectacular
- Strong
- Stunning
- Successful
- Undefeated
- Victory
- Wealthy
- Wonderful
In this example, a fashion blog called We Select Dresses uses a vanity word in a blog post title to get more clicks:

A single power word in your blog post title can help you drive more traffic to your blog and rank better in search results.
Lust Power Words
Lust is defined as a very strong sexual desire. But, it’s also defined as a strong desire for something.
So, even if your content is not sexual, you can harness power words related to lust to make people crave whatever your offer is.
Here are some examples:
- Allure
- Arouse
- Brazen
- Captivating
- Charm
- Cheeky
- Crave
- Desire
- Enchanting
- Exotic
- Exposed
- Fascinating
- Flirt
- Forbidden
- Hypnotic
- Intriguing
- Lonely
- Lovely
- Lust
- Magnetic
- Mischievous
- Mouthwatering
- Naughty
- Passionate
- Pleasurable
- Provocative
- Scandalous
- Shameless
- Sleeping
- Steamy
- Tantalizing
- Tease
- Thrilling
- Uncensored
- Urge
- Wild
Here’s how Buzzfeed uses lust power words to get more clicks on a celebrity gossip article:

Anger Power Words
Anger is a powerful emotion that can make people take action.
But, you don’t want people to be angry with you or your company, so you have to use anger words carefully.
When using anger power words in your marketing, make sure your audience’s anger is directed at something or someone else. Then, you can provide the solution for them.
- Annoying
- Arrogant
- Backstabbing
- Blatant
- Brutal
- Corrupt
- Coward
- Crooked
- Crush
- Disgusting
- Evil
- Exploit
- Foul
- Greedy
- Hate
- Know it all
- Lies
- Loser
- No good
- Obnoxious
- Pitiful
- Preposterous
- Provoke
- Punish
- Rant
- Revolting
- Screw
- Sick and tired
- Smug
- Sneaky
- Stuck up
- Underhanded
- Vicious
- Violent
- Weak
- Worst
Here’s an example of how to use anger words the right way:

This company’s target audience is frustrated with a particular situation, which in this case, is a pest problem. The company provides a service that will fix the problem.
As a result, annoyed home owners will gladly take action by calling and booking the service.
Fear Power Words
Fear is a a great motivator because it makes people uncomfortable and afraid. Because of this, they’ll want to move away from those emotions and back into their comfort zone. One crucial place to use power words is in your calls to action, where you can leverage fear to prompt immediate responses.
As you can imagine, you can use fear power words to get your readers to take a specific action.
Like with anger words, just make sure you’re providing a solution to their problem in your content marketing.
- Apocalypse
- Armageddon
- Backlash
- Beware
- Blinded
- Blood
- Bomb
- Catastrophe
- Caution
- Collapse
- Crisis
- Danger
- Deadly
- Destroy
- Devastating
- Dumb
- Embarrass
- Epidemic
- Fail
- Fired
- Frightening
- Hazardous
- Hoax
- Horrific
- Invasion
- Jail
- Lawsuit
- Looming
- Lurking
- Meltdown
- Mistake
- Nightmare
- Painful
- Panic
- Poor
- Revenge
- Risky
- Scary
- Stupid
- Targeted
- Terror
- Toxic
- Tragedy
- Warning
- Worry
Here’s how GOBankingRates uses fear in the title of an article:

Buying a home is the biggest purchase people will make in their lifetime. To avoid making any mistakes, they’ll click on this article to learn important tips they need to know.
That brings us to the end of this list!
Now you have a giant list of the right power words that you can use in everything from blog posts to email subject lines.
If you found this list helpful, you can also check out our list of the best blog headline formulas. It’s full of free blog title templates that you can use to get more clicks on your articles.
And don’t forget to sign up for our email newsletter for more helpful blogging tips!
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