D o you want to learn how to increase website traffic? Who doesn’t! As a blogger, you want your blog to rank high on Google and show up in the results for every relevant search.

With the ever-changing algorithms, search engine optimization (SEO) can be tricky.

But not impossible! It doesn’t have to be time-consuming or super technical, as long as you’re doing the basics for each post you write.

In this article, I put together 17 easy steps that will help you rank higher on Google, even if you’re completely new to blog SEO.

By the end of this post, you’ll learn some invaluable tips so you can stop guessing and start spending your time and resources on what actually works.

17 Easy Steps on How to Rank Higher on Google

Okay, now we can get into the real tofu and potatoes of the post.

And, as always, if you get to the end and think we’ve missed something important or have any questions please leave a comment and let us know!

1. Target the Right Keywords

Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of SEO. This should be the first thing you should look into when you plan to learn how to start a blog. It lays down the foundation of your optimization and you shouldn’t get it wrong.

By targeting the right keywords, you can help Google understand what your content is about.

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By targeting the right keywords, you can help Google understand what your content is about. This increases the likelihood of popping up your articles in response to a search.

Here are some tips to target the right keywords:

Focus on one keyword per article: Focusing only on one keyword helps you laser target your article for that keyword.

The All in One SEO plugin lets you choose a focus keyword when you’re publishing content. Then, it scores how well your keyword is optimized and gives you actionable tips on how to improve it.

Understand the user intent: To succeed in SEO, you’ll need to understand user intent and target keywords based on it.

What does “user intent” mean?

Simply put, it refers to what the searcher is looking for and expecting to find when they search for those words in Google.

Seo optimization tips
Observe the intent of the search results and see what the results comprise of

For example, if you sell cat t-shirts on your blog, you’ll need to rank for keywords such as buy cat t-shirt, purchase cat t-shirt, etc. That way users who are looking to purchase your product will likely see your store.

On the other hand, If you’re an affiliate marketer, you can focus on keywords like best cat t-shirts, compare cat t-shirts, etc.

To learn more about choosing the right keywords and user intent, check out this guide on how to do keyword research.

2. Focus On Low Difficulty Keywords

Keyword difficulty is an important metric to consider when choosing a keyword for your blog articles. The higher the keyword difficulty, the fiercer the competition and the harder it is to rank for.

When choosing keywords, the general rule of thumb is to find those with a decent traffic volume and low competition.

To find keyword difficulty, you can either use a free tool, like AdWords Keyword Tool, or a premium tool, such as Ahrefs.

Keyword difficulty ahrefs - Blog SEO

For keyword research, I prefer Ahrefs because it shows me low-hanging fruit among my keyword ideas that are easy to rank for. It also gives insights into the estimated number of clicks for the keywords.

Ahrefs gives each keyword a difficulty score on a scale of 1 to 100.

For example, Ahrefs tells me that keyword difficulty (KD) is 90 for keyword link building, which means it’s a super competitive keyword to rank. But if you click on the questions tab you will get a list of low KD keywords.

For example, the keyword best link building tools has a KD of 30, which is relatively easy to rank for.

3. Focus On Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail keywords are three or four-phase keywords that are very specific to what you’re selling. They are generally easy to rank because of their low competition.

Whenever your potential blog reader uses a highly specific search phrase on Google, they tend to know exactly what they’re looking for. And if you can create content that matches that search intent, you’ll be sure to rank high!

You need to use these keywords in the right places on your content, for example, in the title, description, and subheadings of your content.

You can use Ahrefs to find potential long tail keywords. All you have to do is enter your keyword and then on the left panel, click on Questions. It will give you a list of questions / long tail keywords that are being searched related to your keyword.

If you’re looking for a free alternative, you can use the WPBeginner Keyword Generator Tool. Simply enter your main keyword idea into the search field and hit the ‘Analyze’ button. It will automatically generate 300+ keyword ideas, and you can find long tail keywords in the Questions section.

Use WPBeginner's free keyword generator to find long tail keywords

Another method is to look for related questions on Quora that are being ranked in the top 3 on Google.

If there is a Quora thread being ranked on Google that means the keyword has low competition and it’s easy to rank for.

To find these threads, go to Ahrefs, Site Explorer » Enter Quora.com » Organic keywords » Filter by keywords related to your niche » Filter by positions 3 and under » Sort by volume.

You will find a list of keywords that are being ranked in the top 3 of Google. All you have to do is cover these topics and watch that traffic roll in.

Now that you have a list of keywords that you can target, let’s move on to the on-page optimization section. This is where you will put the keywords you found to good use.

4. Use Your Keywords in the Title and Subheadings

There’s some correlation between keywords in the title tag and your blog ranking in Google.

Alongside, I recommend you use your primary keyword and its different variation in your content’s heading tags as well.

But don’t stuff your keywords in an attempt to manipulate your site’s ranking because that can have a negative impact.

5. Write Compelling Titles and Meta Descriptions.

Did you know that click-through rate (CTR) for your page in the search result is also a blog ranking factor on Google? For example, if your article is listed in the third position for a keyword and you managed to receive more clicks than the first, you’ll eventually rise to the second or first!

To receive high CTR and ensure that you stay on the top spot, you’ll need to write titles and descriptions that grab the searcher’s attention and entice them to click.

Bear in mind that you only have 55 characters for the title, so you need to give it some thought before writing it.

You need to keep a few things in mind while writing an SEO title and meta description for your post.

  • Don’t let your title and description cut off in Google. You want the searcher to get a complete idea of what your content is about.
  • Add your keyword in the title and description.
  • Never stuff keywords – make sure your writing sounds natural.

You can easily add Meta descriptions and titles if you have All in One SEO installed on your WordPress.

edit meta descriptions with all in one seo

With All in One SEO, you can add meta descriptions manually or you can use pre-made tags to insert variables.

6. Make Your Blog Responsive

Google uses mobile-first indexing. That means that it looks at your mobile site to determine how to rank it in search results, even if the search is on desktop.

That means it’s important that your site works well on mobile devices, even if most of your traffic is on desktop.

To ensure this, you need to pick a responsive WordPress theme.

There are many WordPress responsive themes available on the market. You can pick one that you like and install it on your blog.

If you also want to learn how to install WordPress on your server then do read our guide.

7. Optimize for Featured Snippets

If you want to get the most out of your content, then it’s smart to optimize your blog to show up in featured snippets.

Featured snippets are shown before the first position, usually in a box with an image, video, or a table. They stand out in the search results which helps you to get more clicks.

Here’s what a featured snippet looks like:

featured snippets - Blog SEO

There are 4 different types of featured snippets that you will come across:

  1. Paragraph
  2. List (both numbered and bulleted)
  3. Table
  4. Video

Optimize your content for the featured snippet and you’ll be able to drive more traffic to your blog.

Optimize Your Images to Drive More Traffic

Here’s a secret that most bloggers don’t know about: Google Image Search can send a lot of traffic to your blog if you optimize your images properly!

All you need to do is add alt text to your images. To do this, click on your image and specify the alternative text as shown below.

how to add alternative text - Blog SEO

Add an appropriate description in the Alternative Text box so Google can recognize what the image is all about and help your potential readers discover it when they do Google image search.

Apart from having appropriate alt text, make sure your image loads fast. You can ensure this by using a WordPress plugin called ShortPixel. This will compress your images and make them load faster.

For more details, see our detailed guide on image SEO.

9. Ensure That You Have User-Friendly URLs

To ensure that you have user-friendly URLs, you need to make sure your URLs are short and descriptive.

If you’re starting out, make sure to change the default permalink structure, so your URL looks shorter and pretty.

Never use URLs that have special characters or dates in your URL. They make them unnecessarily long and ugly.

Improve Your Site’s Load Speed

Page load speed is a ranking factor, which means that if you want to outrank your competition you’ll need to make your pages load faster.

Even if the Page load speed wasn’t a ranking factor it’s still important if you are serious about delivering the best quality to your readers.

To optimize your page speed you need to go to Google Pagespeed Insights and enter your URL.

Page speed score - Blog SEO

Go through the recommendations and implement Google’s suggestions. This will help you improve your website’s page speed significantly.

You can also install a caching plugin on your WordPress to improve your page speed. We use and recommend WP Rocket, one of the best caching plugins available.

Check out our guide to speeding up your WordPress site for more tips.

Now that you have the right set of keywords and optimized pages for the best results, let’s take a look at some technical SEO tips for your blog.

Technical SEO is done when you want to make sure that your blog is set up for success.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a coder to do technical SEO! You just need to keep an eye out for errors and ensure that things are running smoothly.

Here are some of our tips to help you out.

Create a Proper Content Hierarchy

What I mean by a proper content hierarchy is that you need to build your content in a way that’s easy for your visitors to navigate and shows Google the relative importance of every page.

Make sure every page on your site is only a few clicks away from your home page, especially your important pages, like a landing page, pillar content, etc.

Use your header and sidebars for linking out to your important pages.

12. Install an SSL Certificate on Your Site

I strongly recommend you move to SSL as soon as you launch your blog. Moving to SSL will make your site accessible on HTTPs. In fact, Google also prefers sites with SSL over those that don’t.

If your site doesn’t have SSL installed, then a warning Website not secure message will be shown on the left-hand side of the search bar in your browser. 

You can read more about how to get SSL on your site in our guide.

13. Submit a Sitemap to Google Search Console

Submitting a sitemap helps Google understand the structure of your blog, and it also helps Google crawl all your pages.

Google will eventually find any site that’s linked to from other sites across the web. But submitting a sitemap can help to rank your site faster.

If you’re using the All in One SEO plugin, it will generate a sitemap file for you. You can follow this guide to submitting your sitemap to Google.

Remove Thin Content

Thin content classifies as any content piece that has 300 words or less. These types of content offer little to no value and Google tends to prefer much longer content.

To fix this, either beef up the content or remove it.

To learn more, check out our guide on how long a blog post should be.

15. Get High-Quality Backlinks 

You can’t rank high on Google if you don’t have good quality backlinks. But before I explain how to get high-quality backlinks, I want to first address why do you need them. 

Google’s search engine results page (SERPS) has 130 trillion web pages indexed on Google. In order to rank higher on Google, you need backlinks that act as votes of authority.  

Many studies suggest that there is a strong correlation between the number of referring domains and higher rankings.

If you get backlinks from more referring domains then that helps you climb the rankings but how do you know how many are enough? The best way to find out is to use an SEO tool like AhrefsSemrush, or any other tool that shows you the number of referring domains your competition has for a specific keyword. 

Let’s say that a keyword that you rank for has a high keyword difficulty and it has an average of 90 referring domains. In order to compete for that keyword, you will have to get at least 90 quality backlinks from unique domains.  

But truth be told, backlinks alone won’t get you to rank on the first page of Google. Google’s algorithms are complex, there are over 200 ranking in the Google algorithm that helps determine which page it needs to reward.  

Getting a new website or any website on organic search is hard work. You need to have a solid content marketing strategy and a lot of patience to achieve good results. 

16. Invest in a Good Link Building Strategy 

Gone are the days when webmasters used to get links from forums and web 2.0s using exact anchor texts. These links have zero value now and you won’t get far if your link-building strategy includes getting links from these sources.  

A good link-building strategy should emphasize building quality content because let’s face it, no one will link to your content if it isn’t good.  

Once you are confident that your content is linkable you can start reaching out to influencers in your niche and ask them to link back to your content if they find it valuable.  

There are many other ways you can get backlinks. Some of them are: 

  1. Skyscraper technique 
  2. Broken link building 
  3. Guest posting
  4. Link reclamation 
  5. Unlinked brand mentions 
  6. Community site and link building 
  7. Content repurposing and syndication 
  8. Paid promotion through PR agencies 

You can read all about this in detail in our link building guide

17. Improve Your Website’s User Experience 

Having a good user experience is directly related to achieving higher search ranking and organic traffic. User experience is based on many things. For example, a user lands on your website using a search query for the best keto diet. If your page isn’t well designed or doesn’t have relevant information, then the user will hit the back button to return to the search results. 

Google and other search engines will take this as a sign that your webpage lacks relevant information and move you down the rankings.  

You can work to improve your user experience in many ways.  I’ve mentioned some of them below. 

  1. Optimize your page speed: Don’t you just hate it when you have to wait what seems like hours for a website to load? Everyone does, if you want your users to stay on your website then make sure that it loads fast. 
  2. Satisfy the search intent: As a website owner, it is your responsibility that the information should be relevant and reliable. Anything below par will increase your bounce rate, a bounce occurs when a user leaves your website without interacting. Go through the search results you are optimizing for and see if your web page matches the search intent. 
  3. Make your site easy to navigate: Using internal links that link out to relevant articles will help users navigate your website with ease. Just make sure you don’t link too much as it may cause information overload.  Proper internal linking improves your bounce rate and it is also considered as a good on-page SEO practice as it can help you improve your page rank. To make internal linking easier and discover new linking opportunities on your blog, you can use All in One SEO’s Link Assistant.

Bonus Tip: Optimize for Local Search 

Local search optimization is essential for small businesses that operate on a regional scale. Optimizing for local search will get your local business high rankings on Google search results, higher leads, and higher conversions. 

So, how do you optimize for local search? 

  1. Create a Google My Business account. It is one of the best SEO tactics for getting top rankings on Google Maps.  
  2. Get reviews from happy customers. This will help your site rank higher and give you much-needed credibility. You can then boast your 5-star rating on social media to attract new customers. 
  3. Target relevant keywords. Use keyword tools like Google Keyword Planner to target relevant keywords that your potential customers are searching for. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and answer their queries before any of your competitors. 
  4. Your content should cover local news stories and events. Almost every digital marketing expert will emphasize that blogging is the best way to get rankings. But when you are optimizing for local search, your piece of content should only discuss local events. This will make your site relevant, and it won’t sway away your potential customers. 

If you use All in One SEO, it comes with built-in local SEO features to increase your visibility on Google Maps. This includes local business schema markup and a Google Maps integration with multiple location support.

Wrapping Up

We hope you found our SEO guide useful. Now it’s over to you to implement these to the best of your abilities.

Keep in mind that implementing these tips won’t take you to the first position overnight. When it comes to SEO for bloggers, you have to be patient. Just make sure that you record every change you make and measure the performance of your SEO strategy.  

Things change a lot in SEO, but as long as you keep up with the basics, you can still get results!

Well, that’s all the SEO wisdom we have to share for now. If you want a more in-depth guide, check out our ultimate SEO guide for beginners next.

If you have any SEO tips you think we missed out on, then shout out in the comments section below.


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  1. Myrtis Gaetke on October 23, 2019

    I’m impressed, I have to say. Really not often do I encounter a blog that’s each educative and entertaining, and let me tell you, you might have hit the nail on the head. Your thought is excellent; the difficulty is something that not enough people are talking intelligently about. I’m very completely satisfied that I stumbled across this in my search for one thing regarding this.

    1. Thanks, Myrtis!

    2. Glad you found it helpful, Myrtis!

  2. SHWETA RISHABH JAIN on October 30, 2019

    Thanks for the article with lot of different and meaningfull conversations.It is very helpfull in our day today life.

    1. Thanks, glad you found it helpful.

  3. Thanks for sharing an article. This article is very helpful with full knowledge for SEO.

    1. Thanks, Sohan, glad you found it useful!

  4. Michelle wood on October 31, 2019

    Hello, I love this guidance blog for beginners about SEO. You have mentioned all the things very nicely and clearly. I know SEO is a long-term strategy, but people should get a head start right away or else it will take that much longer to get loved by Google.

    As a professional, One thing that I recommend every site to start off with is simple keyword research. We can use any free keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner and type in your competitor URL. Google Keyword Planner will then suggest keywords and even show you the cost per click.

    By going after keywords that aren’t competitive and have a higher cost per click, you’ll find that you can generate search traffic at a much faster pace and these keywords will drive sales. As keywords with a high cost per click tend to mean that they convert.
    Thanks for this amazing blog.

    1. Thanks, Michelle, keyword research is definitely important.

  5. Hasan Habib on November 1, 2019

    Excellent post ever.
    Educative and informative.
    Thank you for sharing insightful tips on organic traffic.

    1. Thanks, Hasan, glad it helped you!

  6. Spring Raudebaugh on November 2, 2019

    I really enjoy reading well-researched write-ups, and this without a doubt is one of the most well done I’ve found recently..

    1. Thanks, Spring, glad you found it helpful!

  7. webtrenztechnoligies on November 8, 2019

    Thank you for sharing this information.

    1. You’re welcome!

  8. Such a useful post for a newbie like me, sir keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, Raghuram, let us know how you get on with these optimization tips.

      1. rankersparadise on November 27, 2019

        very useful information indeed

        1. Glad you found it useful!

  9. After reading several Seo posts and watching some videos rarely do people give in-depth descriptions and actually signpost you to useful software. Great job! Thank you

  10. Globasource on December 29, 2019

    Thanks a lot for sharing this blog. Really nice and fresh content. All the information is helpful for us.

  11. Matrix Outsourcing Solutions on January 15, 2020

    I feel strongly about it and really like mastering more on this subject. If feasible, as you acquire experience, would you mind updating your blog with much more information and facts? It is very helpful for me.

  12. Sandeep Gohad on January 21, 2020


    Thanks for sharing such a great Information! Helpful for beginners to get in detail knowledge about different ways of blog or website optimization.

    I also learn something new from your post and next time I’ll try to on my blogging methods. Keywords are the most important part of SEO. Right keywords are helpful to improve our website traffic. Thanks again for sharing the great information.

    Sandeep Gohad

  13. Thanks for sharing this article. it helps me a lot to consistently getting more traffic to my website.

  14. Prisha Malhotra on January 31, 2020

    Term: Blogging With SEO

    I agreed that the SEO is a skill that takes time and can sometimes make you little bored, but a quick research of keywords is right before posting. Getting how to implement SEO strategies correctly with your niche takes time and research. In case, talking about the benefits of SEO, search optimization is nothing but the Marketing, is to get your content availability & findability to users from search engines…

    Having the URLs to your site posts from the search is necessary, and its the purpose of SEO. You can’t just sit and expect for the world to come to your blog posts, rather you need to drive yourself to the world first so that it start to catch your content. I wouldn’t pay to much but enough time on SEO. All you require to think about the keyword research for PR, link-building to authority sites for DA. I prefer SEO optimized template, SEO plugins & still forcing SEO better up to the stage where I wish this word or that in the title of the post that’ll cause more organic traffic.

    Once you study the SEO & its techniques, you then get used to thinking about posting with that. I notice it’s more necessary to create quality content & build onpage SEO skills as you go. With SEO, you’re just delivering your content to search engines more user-friendly, and I recommended to stay to basic SEO tips, and your blog will be better for it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about SEO.

  15. Kreativan Technologies on February 18, 2020

    I want to thank you for this article, with the help of this blog I got a lot of information like quick SEO optimization tips for blog. and many more things. Keep giving us this information.

  16. Nityen Prakash on February 25, 2020

    This is something worth to read, a complete guide for beginners on SEO.


  17. hemalatha@1997 on March 17, 2020

    While we’re on the topic of SEO, I wanted to mention Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a tool that allows you to do keyword research to ensure you’re targeting the best keywords with the highest traffic and lowest difficulty to rank for.
    While this tool isn’t free or cheap, they do offer a free two-week trial. Alternatively, you can use their competitors like Moz or SEMrush (who also have free trials, hint hint). Whichever one you choose, if you’re serious about ranking on Google, I highly recommend a keyword research tool. Without them, you only have access to Google Keyword Planner, which doesn’t really help you find the right keywords

  18. Ravi - Competenza on March 23, 2020

    Great post. It’s a complete list of SEO for complete beginners. Page speed matters most. Even a 1% decreasing in page speed affect a lot in conversion rate and dwell time.

  19. tombanton on March 26, 2020

    Thank you for sharing this information. It was useful and interesting

  20. Danny Fontaine on April 29, 2020

    Thanks for Sharing

    I want to thank you for this Post, with the help of this blog I got a lot of information like quick SEO optimization tips for blog. Keep Posting

  21. James Khokhar on April 29, 2020

    I wish to congratulate the writer for bringing up such an important topic so nicely in this post.

    My experience with SEO has been a mixture of a number of actions that are required to be taken.

    High-quality content that focuses on delivering value to the user is the key.

    One should aim to target keywords per page rather than focusing on the website as a whole.

    Backlinking is extremely vital to get the heads onto your content.

    Push Notifications are excellent to be sent keeping in mind the user experience as not to annoy them with too much content.

  22. Debby Winter on May 28, 2020

    It takes time before you get noticed by the search engines but I recommend everyone starting a blog or website to work on SEO right from the start. Ranking on the first page of Google requires skill but it’s not impossible. There are a lot of free SEO tools available which you can use to help with keyword research, analysis of competitor rankings, keyword density in your content and verification of the entire on-site and off-site checklists so you can be sure everything is done the right way. SEO marketing is a big market these days, I remember that SEO optimization used to be simple in that it was enough to focus on the metatags and content, but these days a lot more factors come into play and if you want to rank well you need to know what you’re doing. I’m living in San Francisco and there are a lot of SEO companies that pay a lot of money in PPC ads. It’s quiet hard to get to the first page and if you do make it you can sell the spaces on your website because people will want a listing for advertising purposes. Anyways, thanks for sharing these beginner blogging SEO tips your help is greatly appreciated. ~ Debby

  23. Rupinder on July 8, 2020

    Your blog is very nice… i got more information From your blog page… Thanks for sharing is this great information.

  24. SEO San Jose - Frisco Web Solutions on August 31, 2020

    That’s really an informative post. I appreciate your skills, Thanks for sharing.

  25. Lara Jones on August 31, 2020

    I like your blog, it is well detailed and easy to understand about SEO. You cover all the possible techniques in this blog. appreciated.

  26. Suchisshree on September 4, 2020

    Thanks for these type of informative and useful information. Very valuable steps mentioned here to enable bloggers to boost their knowledge and implement in a right way. This blog and information made my Day!!
    Thanks 🙂

  27. Excellent article, packed with useful info and well-written. Thanks for taking the time to put this out.

  28. Hey, Amazing Blog. You write information in detail and pointwise. This makes it more understandable. I enjoyed reading. Keep up the good writing. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Justin Hart on April 9, 2021

    Nice information for beginners in blogging and SEO. Your content is engaging and contained all possible information for beginners.

  30. Thank you for sharing these wonderful insights!
    Blog commenting has been one of the most effective ways to build backlinks over the years. However, when not done right, it can lead to link losses or the comment can be tagged as spammy. You have rounded up amazing tips to do it and with this, those who are running an SEO campaign can successfully build backlinks.


  31. This blog is very useful for beginners as well as experts also. I really enjoyed reading it. But I personally use the google keyword planner tool for the keyword research as ahref is a paid tool. These tips are really amazing. Thanks for sharing such an informational blog and keep on sharing more!

  32. great explanation thanks for sharing

  33. This article is very informative, updated and transparent.
    What a useful information is provided by this blog! It’s remarkable. Thanks for helping me out

    1. Glad you found it helpful Debora! 🙂

  34. Search engine marketing is a very important thing. And necessary for everyone. Thanks for presenting so beautifully. Hope you will give us more good blog like this in future.

    1. Ace Web Experts on November 30, 2021

      This is a very useful blog for many because of its clarity and explanation people can understand various points for which they have not enough information.

      1. Mrdig Sharma on January 17, 2022


  35. HGS Infotech Pvt. Ltd on November 29, 2021

    Thanks For Your tips its really helpful.

  36. cutnegative on November 30, 2021

    Thank you very much for this useful post
    It helped my SEO a lot and my site rank has improved

  37. Shamsher Khan on December 20, 2021

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    What a piece of useful information is provided by this blog! It’s remarkable. All the information is helpful for us.

  38. David Bonn on January 13, 2022

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  40. Avneesh K Gupta on February 17, 2022

    Other people really can’t afford a fair budget for their SEO and they end up using Fiverr quality services and ruining their website.

    Key thing as pointed out in the article, do your research and find a quality company to work with.

  41. Getseowebsite on February 28, 2022

    I really enjoyed this article! It was packed with useful information and well-written, thanks for taking the time to put this out. Thanks!

  42. Great article! I read your blog already for a few months and I have to say that I learnt a lot from it and applied many of your advices for my work site. You make a very useful content for persons like me. Thanks a lot!

  43. Daniel D Jones on March 16, 2022

    It’s very useful.

    Thanks for sharing such important blog.

    Saved it for later.

  44. Don Richie on March 20, 2022

    Thanks for sharing this knowledge. Please continue

  45. anwitasinha on March 24, 2022

    I love this guidance blog for beginners about SEO. You have mentioned all the things very nicely and clearly. Thank you so much for this information

  46. Margaery Boltan on May 12, 2022

    Thank you for sharing this post. It is very informative.

  47. Devex Hub on June 15, 2022

    Thank you for posting the article. Reading this article was interesting for me, and it was very helpful.

  48. WebSouls PK on June 21, 2022

    Very Nice Content, It is very helpful to start blogging for SEO. I really appreciate the way you teach us.

  49. Digiupdates on July 20, 2022

    This is a great article for beginners to learn about SEO because it covers all of the key points that we should be aware of when performing SEO. Well done.

  50. Shamsher Khan on November 5, 2022

    Amazing post. Clearly explained what is seo and how it helps for small business. This will help to us and improve our knowledge. Thanks for sharing this SEO blog.

  51. HI, GUYS! Thanks for all your content, it is really usefull <3

    I wanted to ask you what SEO web is more "complete". Semrush, Ahrefs, analytics, answer the public.. Ahrefs is 90 $ per year and sometimes it is not possible to have them all, but i will if it is worthy. Would you be so kind to list the MUST tools to have for a blog (free or not)?

    Thank uuuuuu

  52. James Anderson on July 19, 2023

    Just one question why is it if we post original content and useful, do SEO, linking accordingly and do link building regularly. Why the whole rank for a totally different keyword regardless of what is being searched or what is being used as SEO. Some totally random keyword with no sense. I also read melissa how’s blog as well. I get some help also to do proper SEO. Read yours yet have this question. Please solve this.

  53. Tyler Garrett on July 30, 2023

    Great reminders to edge out the competition. Always appreciated.

  54. Faith eCommerce Services on September 21, 2023

    Hi, Thanks for sharing this article as, it covers all important points of SEO. Very useful for learners who want to know about SEO in depth.

  55. Andri Marza Akhda on October 31, 2023

    I totally agree with you about the role of alt text for SEO content. Very meaningful. That will help crawlers more easily understand our content, especially image content.

  56. is it best to write how-to type titles for blog articles to rank well in the search engines or simply include the keyword phrase somewhere in the title?

  57. Donald Waas on March 19, 2024

    Whats up this is somewhat of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding skills so I wanted to get guidance from someone with experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Allison on May 1, 2024

      Hi Donald, you don’t need to know how to code to start a blog. You can follow our guide on how to start a blog for easy step-by-step instructions. You can also check out our picks of the best drag-and-drop WordPress page builders that allow you to design custom blog pages without coding.

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