Free Report: How to Get 120% More Email Subscribers Overnight

My favorite beach. The place I sometimes go to blog and relax instead of sitting in an office.
The money is in the mailing list.
That is what the top bloggers have been saying for years.
If you want to grow a successful blog that makes a part-time or full-time living you need to have as many engaged and loyal email subscribers as possible.
Why do I need email subscribers?
The beach! That’s why.
That photo above is the beautiful Port Willunga in South Australia. Voted Australia’s most beautiful beach and the place I sometimes go while every one else is at work.
That is why you need email subscribers.
They allow you to grow a solid home business and finally take steps towards leaving the rat races.
A list of interested and highly actionable fans allow you to:
- Promote new products
Imagine having a list of tens of thousands of people that you can promote your new products to. Its like having guaranteed sales already lined up. This is the main advantage of having a large email list. - Launch new websites
Never start from scratch again. If you ever launch a new website you can just email your list and you’ve got an instant readership. - Promote affiliates
Some bloggers are able to have $20,000 days by just sending out an email to their list promoting a highly useful and relevant affiliate product. This is the easiest money you’ll ever make.
What you get in this free report
In this free 13 page eBook I am going to show you how I increased my email subscribers by 120% overnight. You’ll learn:
- the most persuasive language for conversions
- the one type of opt-in form that every blog needs
- one clever piece of WordPress code
- one marketing concept vital to getting people interested instantly
- exclusive emails (very rarely) that I don’t publish on the blog
These are tactics that I use on all of my blogs and websites and have had some very good successes with them. I am sure they will work for you too.
You’ll also get my weekly blog updates that are focused on how to really grow your blog and take it to the next level. I share all the strategies that work for me so you can apply them to your own blogs.
How do I get my free eBook?
All you have to do to get your instant download is subscribe by email using the form below.
Once you have confirmed your subscription your eBook will be emailed instantly and you will also receive the blog updates and an exclusive newsletter that goes out once every couple of months. You can unsubscribe whenever you like.