This post is all about why you shouldn’t build a blog.
Seems a little bit odd coming from a guy who makes a full time living building blogs, right?
Well, as you might have guessed there is a little bit more to it.
If you have a blog or are thinking about starting a blog from scratch, then this post might give you a new context to the whole concept of blogging.
Let’s have a chat.
Why you shouldn’t build a blog
Okay so let’s get this out of the way.
I love blogs.
Blogging has given me a life that I never thought was possible.
But what I’m noticing is that my idea of blogging is very different from what a lot of new bloggers think blogging is all about.
So what I want to do today is share my thoughts in the hope that it might help some newcomers establish some more realistic expectations.
So why shouldn’t you build a blog?
Because you should be building an online empire.
Of course, a blog should be part of that (maybe even the main part…), but if you really want to succeed online you need to have a blogging strategy that builds a lot more than just a blog.
You could think of it more as a website, or a digital community, or an online [insert digital niche] company.
We’re not just building a blog.
So what else should we be doing with our blogs?
Your blog is usually going to be your most important asset in an online business.
For me, it’s the base through which all others things (SEO traffic, sales, subscribers, etc.) flow.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing that we should be doing if we really want to start to make a full time living “from” blogging.
- Tighten up the branding
The first thing you really want to do is be certain about the brand that you want to put out there. Tightening up your brand means getting a quality logo, design, color scheme, typography and being very certain what your messaging is and who you’re pitching at. How do you want visitors to feel and think about you? - Use a variety of content formats
Content is not just the written word. The biggest blogging based businesses are also doing podcasts, graphics, videos, downloadable guides and, best of all, useful tools that can be used by a huge segment of your target market. Different mediums are used by different people and you want to be across a lot of them. - Make a variety of content types
This is similar but slightly different from the last one. Different content types include how-to guides vs long form content. Or step by step tutorials vs opinion pieces. It can be hugely beneficial to experiment with different content to see what gets the best results for you. - Promote it like a company would
If you’ve ever seen a company do marketing you’ll know that it’s not usually a slap dash approach. They have a marketing team, a budget, and they think very carefully about the message and offer. Bloggers should be doing the same. Come up with more sophisticated campaigns that are aimed at achieving a very specific objective. - Dictate what content is visible to readers
I don’t have a search bar here on Blog Tyrant and part of the reason is because I want to dictate how people flow around the site. I want to showcase the content that I know works best and provides the most value. A regular blog just has the most recent updates on the homepage – why not build out a website that focuses on your pillar stuff that really impresses people? - Spend money and time on research and development
Allocating resources to research and development is one of the most important things a company can do. We should think about that. Finding out what customers really need, and how to deliver it best, can be a very beneficial exercise. You might find that your whole model needs changing, or it might only be a small tweak that makes the big difference.
Putting all of these things into place and our blogs start to become something a lot more exciting, comprehensive and useful for visitors. And this makes a huge difference.
Blogs that are doing more than just blogging
What I’d like to do now is show you some examples of people who are doing that little bit extra around their blog.
These are the types of websites we can emulate because they take it all to the next level and aim to create much more than just a typical blog.
1. Nerd Fitness
I’ve used this example before, but Nerd Fitness really is one of the best examples of someone doing exactly this.

These guys started with a blog but now have a forum, success stories, paid products and even a camp that literally hundreds of people go on every year. There is something for everyone.
2. Bodybuilding.com
Bodybuilding.com is another one of those websites that has been around for over a decade and has slowly grown into an absolute monster of a community.
It started with a blog (or series of articles, blogs weren’t around then…) and an extremely popular forum which supported a supplements store. Regular members obviously started shopping there.

Nowadays it has it’s own social network where people can post photos and show progress shots and interact directly with other members. There’s workout trackers and all sorts of tools that help people with their training but also help keep them on-site.
Oh, and they have over 1,000,000 members and over 14,000,000 workouts tracked!
3. Digital Photography School
Digital Photography School is the main money-maker for Problogger’s Darren Rowse. It is one of the world’s largest digital photography websites and, like our other examples, started out as just a simple blog.

Darren is a master of creating a community, and a lot of it is done through clever use of content that could otherwise be pretty run of the mill. DPS regularly has reader challenges where people submit photos, and is chocked full of resources, eBooks, forum content and a lot of different ways for people to participate.
What do I do with this information?
Now that you’ve had a skim read of this article (let’s be honest) I would recommend you sit down with a cup of tea and a pen and paper. We’re going old school…
What you then do is go through at least the three websites mentioned above and make a study that relates to your own blog. Go through and see if you can decipher any particular strategies, interesting concepts/ideas and functions that you would like to see on your blog.
Even if you find a color that you like, write it down.
It might be useful later.
We’re not trying to copy these companies – but we are trying to learn from them.
For instance, you may be interested in our guide on how to buy a website.
When you look at people like Darren Rowse, you have to realize that they have a lot to teach us, not just from what they say on Problogger, but from how they actually run their websites.
Are you building more than a blog?
I’d be really interested to know whether you agree with the main theme of this article. Are you trying to build a blog that is more than just a blog? How are you creating your online empire? Leave a comment below and let’s have a chat!
True !
Blogging is now more than merely publishing articles.
Everything matters, the branding, colors, layout, content quality, fonts, navigation, usefulness of the blog and the list goes on..
Yet another wonderful article article ramsay !
Thanks !
Thanks Kaushik. Glad you enjoyed skim reading the article. 😉
Ramsay, I’ll be sure and read a little more deeply on MY second pass.
Keep Stepping,
Ha ha. All in good fun.
Great thoughts 🙂 and I’ve also been thinking a lot about this recently Ramsay and I believe you are so right about this trend. Blogging has grown up and it’s mutating. Just a few bloggie minutes ago only the most famous bloggers were diversifying but now it’s so necessary to create more than just blog content to ‘succeed’. Hmmm … a case of, The blog is dead. Long live the blog!
Ha ha! Love the last line!
I feel bloggers now are really entrepreneurs. More and more there is a sense that people have diverse income strategies and fingers in a lot of digital pies, so to speak. (Mmmm…pie…) I love this post and whole heartedly agree. I want my own empire! I promise not to be a tyrant. Oh, wait…
If anyone’s going to do it you are. I have a feeling.
I’m just looking at branding now for my new blog, and have been thinking about this a bit.
Bodybuilding.com is such a crazy community, it’s grown into areas I never thought possible and so much of the content is still free.
Ramsay, how important do you think branding is when you’re getting started? Is it best to get some pro designs straight away or should you worry about it later?
Hopefully a few other beginners on here are in the same boat as me!
I am firmly in the “worry about it later” boat. There are some things that you need to sort out from the beginning, but that isn’t one of them. Any new WordPress theme is a suitable enough start these days IMHO.
I’ll add one thought…if you don’t have a high quality logo and don’t know how to create one, use a service like 99designs. I still see new blogs with a pixelated logo, a comic sans font logo, or a number of other things that make it look unprofessional.
Agreed. It’s awful.
Ramsey, My guy’
Great information, marvellous, simply pure inspirational. I myself am a strong believer your niche’ has versatility. This is why I love this article so well, it express my beliefs very clearly, As for me, I started out learning not only how to build a website, but creating an online present. It took work, hours of video training and a strong determination to be victorious. Over 20 years ago I seen today’s methods of earning great income rewards and I knew my hunch was right so I kept my focus. Today I live from my online presence but so much to do, so much. Buy I love it. To all of you providing information understand your contribution is shaping the advancement our dear society, educating those with curious thoughts seeking real answers. So you, are part of a huge dynasty, which depend on you, bringing local society closer to the forefront of today’s way of thinking.
Great comment. Thank you for sharing.
Yes & No.
If your world revolves around money & making lots of the evil stuff, then why not?
However, There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio – to quote The Bard, who may well have loved to have owned a blog?
I completely agree, Richard. And it’s a very good point to remember.
However, my work is helping bloggers grow their own blog. I get a lot of requests from people who are trying to make a little bit more money to support their family or escape a horrible work situation.
Additionally, a lot of the money I make from my company goes towards supporting charities that have proven outcomes and as I grow (touch wood) this donation amount will grow as well.
I don’t say this to make myself seem important – I could be doing a lot more with my life to help people – but I do think that we can make money and also be good global citizens at the same time.
Thanks for your comment. I appreciate the reminder.
Too true, Ramsay.
You have given me a lot to think about & your advice and guidance is always much appreciated.
Wow… As a new subscriber and blogger this is definitely some food for thought Ramsey! It makes total sense having been in sales and marketing for 20 years. Thank youfor breaking it down with reasons and examples to clarify your recommendations. I look forward to growing my blog in 2015. Much appreciated!
Hi Ramsay,
Community building is so important. In one sense traditional business models were based on a “subtractive” assumption, i.e. kill off the competition and be the big fish. Community building on the other hand involves an “additive” assumption, i.e. building, sharing, creating.
The community building model is one where many benefit rather than a few. I think your blog is a good example of that idea. I think the challenge for community builders is to be original and creative, i.e. create something new and fresh that more and more want to be part of and aligned with.
Great post, thanks.
That’s a really interesting way of looking at it. I actually had never looked at it like that before. Thank you for sharing.
I couldn’t agree more with the comments about community. My blog….on a niche legal topic that would bore any non veteran to tears….started 7 years ago as me writing for a handful of guys and gals that needed help.
I’d write, they’d test what I suggested. They grew in numbers, and began asking for books, then for videos….now we are 45,000 strong….and so….
…we are in the process of building the empire you wrote off, but it starts with writing for someone else, and asking them what they need more of. Or listening when they tell you.
Spend your time and money early on enhancing community.
GREAT post by the way. Where does your writing appear most frequently?
Hey Chris. Sounds like you’re killing it. Congrats.
I really enjoyed this take-away, Ramsay:
“A regular blog just has the most recent updates on the homepage – why not build out a website that focuses on your pillar stuff that really impresses people?”
Also the focus on builkding the toatl “empire”
Actually our beginning was Podcasting , 9 years ago ,and then the blogs grew from that content focus and followers were easy to find.
Thank you again for sharing your insight and experience
Nine years of podcasting! Any tips you can share?
I am sorry.
Best tip.
Have a written plan, be consistent, and genuinely have a desire to help others…..
The money always seems to follow behind
When I came on-line I knew the importance of credibility and authority from our off-line business ventures.
The internet was such a vast sea that I felt podcasting a low, to no cost, venue to become known as a go-to-person in our niches
It was also ‘in it’s infancy’, so the field was not cluttered.
I used the Talk Show format.
Two shows a week focused on slightly different venues.
Self Improvement and Business Creation.
The audiences and participnats helped guide the rest of Marketing direction leading to BLOGGING.
We also implemented a successful “network Blog system” which allowed newcomers to enjoy the success of blogging more rapidly than a stand alone situation.
Over the years this technique has been duplicated by others, with various degrees of success.
Problem I have now is consultancy for selected clients has put a lot of my personal projects on glide…
I really believe you are doing a fabulous job with your BLOG and providing real service to others.
Hi Ramsay,
Once again, great post.
I’ve seen allot of people trying to make money off blogs that are just “trying to sell you something” sites. It’s more than just trying to sell people something – it’s helping them to reach their goals, change their lives – like with Bodybuilding.com. (and Blog Tyrant of course)
I did try the video thing once long ago, but did not like it when people left negative comments, but maybe I will try it again sometime.
Be blessed
YouTube is pretty harsh as far as comments go. It always amazes me at how mean some people are online.
Hey Ramsay,
I completely agree with you on this one – anyone trying to launch a blog these days has to have true vision of what they want to achieve. The only way to compete is to think and grow big. Diversifying content type and treating your blog like a real business or entrepreneurial venture is the way to go.
It’s so hard to even stand out that just using “best practice” for blogging from a few years back wont even get you a trickle of traffic.
I think the examples you have provided are spot on, because they provide the full spectrum of what blogging can accomplish. BB.com is a huge online business that uses blogging to drive traffic and awareness, Steve Kamb has one of the strongest bonds with his blogging audience and that enables him to create an incredible lucrative and rewarding business and Darren Rowse is an expert blogger that uses his skills to run a company blog that has a “one man/woman” blog feel to it.
Most bloggers will fall within these categories and therefore can learn from the examples of what sort of strategies they can use to start getting an advantage.
My only tip would be to decide where you stand right now, and what you want to achieve for the future – this will show you what directions to start taking.
There’s no point blogging like a personal diary if you want to create a huge corporate blog, and there’s no point trying to create a corporate feel if you are a one man/woman team trying to build a strong personal bond with your readers.
Beautiful comment, mate. Really well said. How long did it take before you were sure for yourself about that?
Well I had a hunch before I started blogging, but its really hit home recently. I guess it took me about 10 months of hard work 😛
You can put so much work into your articles but I feel that even the best work only gets a fraction of the results that it could have a few years back.
Now is the time to take things as seriously as possible and not only invest time and effort but also money, and real business ambition. Just plain posts wont cut it anymore, even if they are great. Like you say one has to diversify, even small things like custom graphics and branding play a big part.
Blogging is an amazing way to make a living, but now days its also a business, and if you treat it like a hobby it will perform like one. For example in our niche, there are blogs that advertise like a full blown multimillion dollar online company would, which they are, as they have teams of people contributing and working towards one goal.
Anyway its great to hear the truth from bloggers like yourself Ramsay, as I look up to you as someone that is already doing what I’m trying to achieve.
I catch most if not all of your articles and you’re always talking that real talk. Cya around 😉
Thanks mate. Appreciate that a lot.
Great post! I agree, I don’t like focusing on just building a blog. So I don’t build websites that looks like a blog.
I like to build websites that looks like an online business with a blog for content marketing. Branding, web design, email marketing, and running your website like a professional business is important for user experience. Have a Entrepreneur mindset instead of just a Blogger mindset which is better for longevity. Look forward to more from you!
Thanks Darius. Always nice to see you around here.
I agree with this 200%.
Whether you’re planning on just having one site or having a number of different ones – your online ventures should definitely be an empire rather than a single project.
What people often fail to see at first is just how much diversity goes into even just one successful blog. Which is why posts like this one by Darren Rowse are so helpful: http://www.problogger.net/moneymap/
They’re overwhelming. They help you see that what bloggers are capable of doing with their single site is enormous.
Same with posts like this one: http://www.problogger.net/archives/2013/05/10/my-april-blogging-income-breakdown/
They help you see that it’s never just one thing that does it – all the smaller parts add up and you can only really be “safe” and succeed properly online if you’re willing to add more. Willing to go out of your way to turn your one project into a huge venture.
I absolutely love the examples you gave. They’re great ones! But you could go on and list hundreds of other examples without really having to stretch to think too much – because realistically, every successful site is more like an online empire than a one trick pony.
Great post this one.
Thanks, Elise. Great examples too. Darren really is a legend.
Absolutely cracking article. So much good food for thought here.
I have a couple of things to contribute:
I’m a business coach and consultant first, a blogger second or, more realistically, third or fourth because much of what I do content-wise is landing pages, lead magnets, materials for online courses, and so on.
If someone is wanting to start a blog just to write, there’s nothing wrong with that. But if someone wants to start a business, start the business first then do the blog in a way that makes sense in that context.
I haven’t really even started my blog yet, because getting the other stuff going has taken priority – though happily I will be doing so this week. My first post is going to be a giant resource post, and I’m pretty sure I have at least a couple of links to your stuff in there. Thanks!
Your blog IS searchable; you just have to add “?s=query+with+plus+signs+instead+of+spaces” to the end of the domain URL.
But that’s WAY more of a pain than just using Google’s “site:blogtyrant.com” operator.
That should have been an ordered list with nested paragraphs in the list items. It must be late.
*checks computer clock*
Holy cow, it’s 2 am. My wife is going to KILL me, and getting up in 5 hours is going to suck. So it goes.
Five hours sleep! Rookie! 😉
Great comment. Thanks for taking the time to share it. Lots of value there.
Awesome Ramsay
Awesome article Ramsay, I’ve been reading your blog for a few months while preparing to launch my own blog and I felt compelled to comment and say hello and thank you for your words of wisdom. They are particularly useful in this crucial planning stage i am in.
I wholeheartedly agree that it is a business empire more than just a blog. But I hadn’t put that into words yet – which i find really helpful.
I love your content so keep it up! Sally
Thanks Sally. That means a lot. Glad the content is helping someone.
I’m in the process of doing just this (yep, building my empire!) – your article couldn’t have been more timely… so thank you! There is so much to think about right now and I had been wishing for someone knowledgable to spitball with… This article is helping me focus my thinking and leading to more questions… I think I want to create a membership site. Is this something you have covered for us WP bloggers? Thanks again, Ramsay!
Hi Lisa.
I haven’t covered it, no. I’ve used Wishlist Pro for membership sites and it works perfectly. They have lots of good case studies and examples.
Great, thanks! Two more question… How much stuff do I need to have on my future membership site before I go live? I’m going to have a daily inspirational blog that is free, for which I have ten posts planned. I will also have an exclusive membership blog. I am already offering an eBook when ppl sign up for the newsletter and have over 300 subcribers before the site is live. I’m thinking 15 – 20 articles already published for the membership blog, as well as an exclusive video series, with new material twice a week. Is this enough? As much as I don’t like FB, I think I will keep my community on there rather than a membership forum… or is that a bad idea? Managing a website forum seems daunting, time consuming and also not fun for the users until I have a following in the thousands.
I honestly think the best thing you can do is read Yaro’s material on membership sites. He really has the most comprehensive information. Google: Membership Site Mastermind by Yaro.
Ah yes, reading his eBook now… just the sort of thing I needed! Thank you again 🙂
Hey Ramsay,
You’ve presented a thought provoking concept before us which just leaves us thinking “why are we blogging everyday in and out?”
That really awakens the inner-sleeping entrepreneur in us.
Thanks for this awesome article.
Thinking to do some great, following you 🙂
Waiting for other great ideas from you.. !
Glad it helped. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Ramsay,
More great advice. My problem with blogging is that I have belonged to a couple of online businesses that focus on pushing their products and trying to get a subscriber list to promote these products to.
However my background is in health and I’m beginning to think it may be better just to use my blog to develop my niche in the health industry.
Your ideas seem to direct me in this direction.
Can you do both?
Maybe your right – not so much with the other online businesses that promote digital products but with some who promote health products? I’ll let you know down the track. Thanks for your input.
Great post – I’m just starting to get into long form content and blogger outreach.
What you’ve outlined is so true but you missed out the promotion of posts.
Even in this posts you’ve stratigically linked out to relevant places – which you can now go out and tell those site owners that you’ve refrenced them.
Those site owners may share the content with their audience, which will drive some traffic.
As the sites mentioned are in a different niche the traffic won’t be very targeted but done correctly you can see how effective this strategy is…
Good point. I have mentioned that in the last few posts and kind of wanted to make this one just focused on the blog itself. But your are right, maybe I’ll add something.
Lots of great takeaways here (even for us skim readers)!
I’ve started concentrating on one blog currently although I’ve started to create a portfolio of online assets. I see these ventures as providing one income stream within a diversified income programme.
I want to teach my kids that there’s more to life than a 9-5. I also want to create added financial security so if anything happens to myself or my husband, there’s the potential for some residual money to keep coming in – unlike salaried positions.
I’ve got wider aims (non-financial) but these are the ones related to why I want to build ‘an online empire’.
Sounds like a very smart plan. Best of luck to you!
Thank you for this article….true words of wisdom!
I was pretty confused with the title but when I read it I got the exact thing you want all the readers to understand and implement. Nice read Ramsay and also a great advice to everyone. 🙂
Thanks Diana.
Yup, the trend has changed now, We now have to build much more than just a blog to get long term success. Great post Ramsay.
Thank you.
Great post, as always.
I’ve had people introduce me by saying, “he runs a ______ blog” and I’ve WANTED to say, “no, I run a business.”
I usually have a lot more to add but you’ve hit all my hot topics in this blog…er….”online empire” post. 🙂
I have this same feeling when people say “blogger”. Interesting.
Yes and amen, Ramsay!
This is just the post I’ve been needing. It starts to feel like a waste of time blogging about random bits of information or experiences.
My struggle is pinpointing my exact area of expertise. I am an author and speaker for women and have included tips on marriage, parenting, career and personal well-being. Should I narrow it down? My brand is ‘Encouraging Women Everywhere…in Faith…in Life.’ Any suggestions?
Sometimes I think it is more important to find a point of difference or a way to differentiate yourself as opposed to changing the topics that you cover. I highly recommend you read How Brands Grow to understand this more.
Thanks…will do
Como consecuencia, los pequeños no tienen los nutrientes precisos para
desarrollarse correctamente y se encaran a graves problemas de
Haha Ramsay loved that in the comments you busted a fella that obviously didn’t give this one a deep dive.
That’s NEVER happened to me.
Anyhoo, appreciated the point: it’s not about building a blog, it’s about building a brand, building a following, building an EMPIRE.
The examples you gave were spot-on; I even picked up a new one I had previously not heard of… Nerd Fitness.
Now you’ve even MORE increased my weekly reading. CURSE you, Ramsay!
My friend Ana has advised me to do many of the things you’ve mentioned here, particularly to isolate my specific market and my specific voice and message. It’s good to see that at least one other successful blogger has the same advice.
Okay, so I’m OFF to go and teach local biz owners how to get online leads for free or cheap. That’s MY message and audience… hopefully one day my EMPIRE.
Keep Stepping,
Dude, Nerd Fitness is where it’s at. Steve is an absolute beautiful human being too. Makes a difference.
I love your ideas but i’m just one guy trying to build my music lesson business. My biggest challenge is trying to find good design form my sites and the seemingly enormous amount of time it takes to make simple changes- I’d rather use that same time to create content. thanks, tim
No arguments here.
I feel like this post is delving into Rand Fishkin’s 5 reasons that Content Marketing Fails a little bit! (mostly in relation to amplification and community) I really love the examples you’ve used. I’ve never seen the 2 fitness blogs before, but they really highlight the power of community when it comes to building an empire (read: kick ass blog)!
This is the kind of post that I think people really will grab their pencils and papers and do the exercise you recommended. Inspiring people to actually take their learning into their own hands is no easy feat so bravo!
Thanks Sarah. I must check out Rand’s post.
You are so on point with this. I had recently worked with a so-called marketing person who had no clue about branding, marketing plan and why I was so particular about my image online and off. I have big dreams for my two websites and a small budget but I am going to continue to grow.
Amazing! Keep us posted.
Hi Ramsay!
A couple of weeks ago I started changing a little bit the subject of y blog, from regular Luxury News to tips that can be helpful for people that works as digital marketers on the luxury Industry or for Fashion Influencers and new fashion brands.
However, I find it more difficult to reach this target, because they are not the regular girls that read fashion blogs… I actually think that my content is valuable and can help digital marketers.
Do you have any tips for reaching that target? Where and how? Any information would be more than welcome!
Also, I leave you my latest post: Tell-a-Story to sell.
That’s a really interesting question. I’m going to have a think about it.
Thanks Ramsay for just another inspirational and amazing article.Please i will love to ask a few question.I am on the journey of creating my new blog now in the fashion nitch,i used blue host which is the one you recommended in of you post.
I am having to learn how to create a wordpress blog and still having problems, do i outsource for a more professional look or continue with DIY or do you have an article of your you can recommend on how to create a simple yet neat wordpress blog?plus what is the best way to get attention from Pr companies early in your journey?
Thank you
Hi Anderson.
I’m not sure about PR companies – if you really want to get old school press you need to find a PR agent but that can be expensive.
In terms of WordPress, a theme from StudioPress or Elegant Themes should be more than enough to begin with. Even the default WordPress theme is great these days – just need a logo and email sign up forms and some professional photos and you’re on your way.
Love it! I admit, I kept putting off reading this post! As a blogger I was thinking I don’t want to hear about why I shouldn’t be doing this! ha ha
But you hit the nail on the head! I am in the process of building a brand, an empire….with Mint Mocha Musings. I often get asked how I make money from my blog and people are surprised when I say it’s not just about the sponsored blog content and advertising but everything that spins off it…the media training, copywriting, MC work blah blah. Saw a great quote the other day, which was very pertinent to me (a person who hates cooking). “He asked if I could cook! I said, can you build an empire.” 😉 Cheers, Nicole ..Ps hope this doesn’t go to spam again!
Hi Nicole. That’s such a good point, I think. Blogging is often as much about the profile as it is about the direct sources.
Thanks to you Ramsay for this wonderful article the trend has totally changed now, and we should build much more than just a blog to get long term success.
Thank you. Is that your real name? It’s a good one. 😉
Honestly…I signed into an e-mail list for a lot of blogs but your e-mail are the only ones I read because you’re simply brilliant and you actually make me read every bloody post ^.^
As usual this blogpost was very informative and simply good. I just can’t say anything else which isn’t obvious
Thank you, Laura. That means a lot.
Right on point, Ramsay. The focus should be on building an online business rather than just a blog. As Jon Morrow wrote on BBT, the blog is just the frontend of a bigger business.
That is a REALLY good way to put it. I love Jon.
Actually just leaving a comment so I can see your fab ‘thank you for commenting’ redirect page. I wasn’t able to leave a comment on the other posts!
Good information. Very helpful for me to get your thoughts as I decide how to make changes to my website and blog. I appreciate your thoughts and ideas.
Thank you Barbara. I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog.
[…] There was the one called Why Blogging is a Waste of Your Time and a just this week we had another called Don’t Build a Blog. […]
[…] There was the one called Why Blogging is a Waste of Your Time and a just this week we had another called Don’t Build a Blog. […]
[…] There was the one called Why Blogging is a Waste of Your Time and a just this week we had another called Don’t Build a Blog. […]
That was a fairly simple but very inspirational article, Ramsay, I enjoyed reading through it. I came to this article after finding your 11k visitors in your blog’s first month article on Google and read through that.
And from what I read, I noticed you mentioned fitnes & health more than once, so I suppose you work out fairly often? Kinda makes me feel bad for sitting on my chair all day ;(
[…] more variations to your postsLast week in my post about building a blog we looked at why it’s a good idea to add more mediums to your posts. This is another reason. By […]
[…] There was the one called Why Blogging is a Waste of Your Time and a just this week we had another called Don’t Build a Blog. […]
[…] more variations to your posts Last week in my post about building a blog we looked at why it’s a good idea to add more mediums to your posts. This is another reason. By […]
Wow … I’ve been blogging a long time and you’ve got some pretty cool ideas! I really like the idea of controlling the way your readers approach your blog. It’s like website navigation: you want people to move through a certain sequence to get the message, not just stumble across the most recent because it’s there.
The entire effect of these rugs to a room should
be considered when purchasing one. This tool is a long, hollow, transparent piece of
plastic branded with one-foot accretion. Tiny video cameras are sometimes used to probe intricate pipes to pinpoint hidden leaks and problems.
[…] There was the one called Why Blogging is a Waste of Your Time and a just this week we had another called Don’t Build a Blog. […]
[…] more variations to your posts Last week in my post about building a blog we looked at why it’s a good idea to add more mediums to your posts. This is another reason. […]