Category: Online Marketing

Discover top-notch strategies for online marketing success. Explore expert tips, tools, and internet trends to elevate your digital presence.

Is it Time to Change What We Put in Our Website Menus?

Is it Time to Change What We Put in Our Website Menus?

Your menu is still one of the primary ways that traffic navigates around your site. Deciding what to put in it, however, may be a little more complicated than first […]

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Want to start a
Successful Blog?
Here's how to do it the right way.

Discover The One Detail that Boosts Your Blogging and Marketing Engagement – Every Time

It’s funny the things you pick up as you spend more time in an industry. Little ideas, strategies, and patterns that are usually completely lost on you in the beginning […]

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How to Make Your Website Carbon Neutral (BTW, it’s Really Easy)

Every time someone visits your website a server somewhere needs power. More often than not that power comes from a “dirty” electricity source. Websites now produce a huge chunk of […]

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Insider Tips from One of the World’s Top Fitness Websites

A significant portion of my day is spent trying to improve conversions. That could mean changing colors on a button, split testing some email sign-up forms or re-designing a landing […]

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6 New Content Formats that Get Shockingly Good Results

I talk about long form content so often that you’re probably sick of it by now. I do it because I love you. And, of course, because it’s a type […]

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6 Shortcuts for Online Success. These Tips Might Save You Years.

One of the main goals I have for Blog Tyrant is to save bloggers time. So much of what one learns about succeeding online comes from patiently waiting around and […]

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One Powerful Reason to Keep Your Facebook Page

I’ve never been a big fan of Facebook. And while some businesses (like cafes) need to be on the platform, I really only kept mine going because I was too […]

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Why Being Awkwardly Thorough Always Wins the Internet

Thoroughness always wins the Internet. (Man that’s a hard word to type.) Especially when it’s awkwardly thorough. You see it on Reddit, imgur, YouTube and the most successful blogs. There […]

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How A/B Testing Can Lead to a Dramatically Lower Conversion Rate

By now you probably know that I’m a fan of A/B testing (also called split testing). It is a “scientific” way of taking the guesswork out of your online marketing […]

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How to Start a Blog and Make Money: Your Definitive Guide

Do you want to start a blog that's a huge success? One that you can even earn a full-time income from? Follow these proven steps to get started.
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How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog Posts: 10 Essential Blog Traffic Tips

Traffic is a hot topic in the blogosphere, because it’s the lifeblood of any blog. Here's the ultimate guide on how to get traffic to your blog.
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How to Create an Email Newsletter in 2024 (Ultimate Guide & Checklist)

Do you want to know how to create an email newsletter? Our step-by-step guide will walk you through the process. It's easy!
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39 Best WordPress Plugins for Blogs in 2024 (Mostly FREE)

Are you looking for the best WordPress plugins to start a blog? Find our ranked list of the best plugins for bloggers right here.
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9 Amazing Email Popup Examples (+ Why They Convert With Best Practices)

Looking for email pop up examples to inspire you? These 9 website pop ups are PROVEN to convert - and we'll show you exactly why!
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103+ Beginner Blogging Tips To Jumpstart Your Site in 2024

Are you looking for blogging tips to help you start your own blog? Check out our list of 101 blogging tips for beginners!
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